October 2023
Tell us how you came to COMEA.
I started at COMEA in November 1997 as production manager. Since then, COMEA has been a second family and helped me grow professionally.
From several years, I moved on the role of site manager following our projects in countries such as Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, England, Tajikistan, even in Oman.
I’m a very grateful person, and each time COMEA passed a carrier chance my way, I accepted.
My work is almost 360 °, it depends on the site needs. I’m mainly responsible for the organization site being the direct contact person for the project managers to schedule the installation activities. In details my job consist in coordinating steps of installation, managing technical team, companies and partners COMEA on site.
I’m a very precise and organized person, therefore I demand the same rigor from my team. I can say that our work is always greatly appreciated by our customers.
Describe us the company COMEA today.
At the beginning COMEA was an Italian locally company.
Today, thanks to the experience collected COMEA represents an excellent international supplier of turnkey machines for different application in sectors such as naval, industry and submarine cables, our current core business.
In addition, being partner GH, we are able to supply and install cranes, gantry cranes and lifting equipments offering to the costumers complete service.
The company has also changed and grown in terms of production capacity and area. The covered area has a been expanded, from about 2000 m2 to about 4000/5000 m2.
What did working abroad give you and it take away from?
Working abroad has given me the opportunity to know new environments, different cultures and mindsets, especially times ways and different systems of working. It’s a very demanding experience and full of sacrifices but if you have the will and the desire to want to grow professionally and personally it’s a great wealth of experience.
Working in such different countries helped me to have a wider vision and taught me to face new challenges at best.
The other side of this job is staying away from home for long periods, loved ones and friends. I had to give up many personal habits and of course acquire new ones, but the important thing is to see and take every experience and circumstance as an opportunity to get to know others, but also yourself.
What advice would you give to young people who are just starting to work and who would like to grow professionally as you have?
The advice I would like to give to young people is first of all to be flexible and open to new experiences and work opportunities, even abroad. To be willing to make sacrifices, listening and respecting those who have more experience than them and can give good advices. Demonstrate to have desire to do and learn, open your mind, grasp the present and look to the future.
Take the best and the worst to learn how to grow. The rest comes by itself!